
MDM Team at Water Innovation Europe


MDM Team joined the Water Innovation Europe exhibition with MDM Circe IoT buoy, one of the enabling monitoring technology nodes of the RHE-Mediation project.

MDM Team at InterOp Festival 2024


MDM Team joined the InterOp Festival 2024 at CMRE Nato Research Center to integrate all the products with existing C2C systems.

MDM Team invited at national event for Made in Italy Confartigianato


MDM Team was invited to exhibit into Ministery of Companies and Made in Italy.

MDM Team attended PNS Event hosted in Aircarrier Cavour


MDM Team was invited to attend a conference addressing new PNS underwater hub.


MDM Team Live Demonstration at PNS


MDM Team was invited to perform a live demonstration in front of the Defense and Civil Protection and Sea Policies ministers with Zeno AUV platform.

MDM Team partner of Leviatad


MDM Team join the project Leviatad to integrate metal detector technology into Zeno AUV platorm.

MDM Team sea trial with NATO CMRE


MDM Team performed a three weeks sea trial experimentation to demonstrate performances of Zeno AUV to automatically reconstruct acoustic mosaic of seabed, to identify targets and to perform high frequency sonar data collection for classification purposes.

MDM Team at Sea Future


MDM Team presented the new Stok AUV to the famous italian event for marine technology.

MDM Team partner of Rhe-Mediation


MDM Team join the project group leaded by Rina as technology provide to support pollution monitoring activities withing the EU Horizon Rhe-Mediation project.

MDM Team at ROBOTIMA with MareFVG​ 2023


MDM Team participated to the RobotIMA Event at Trieste.

MDM Team CTO interviewed by Fortune Italy​ 2023


MDM Team CTO released an interview for the Fortune Italy magazine.


MDM Team at LineaVerde RAI National TV​ 2022

11.12.2022​ ​

MDM Team was interviewed by the RAI national TV.

MDM Team final SeaTrial of MARTA Project​ 2022

16.11.2022​ ​

MDM Team participated to the final sea trial of the MARTA project, deploying Smart Autonomous Drifter for Oceanographic data collection.

MDM Team at I-RIM Conference 2022​


MDM Team participated to the I-RIM Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines.

MDM Team at SeaDrone 2022​

25.10.2022-26.10.2022​ ​

MDM Team presented the state of the art of unmanned maritime vehicles at SeaDrone 2022.

MDM Team at Breaking the Surface 2022​

25.09.2022- 02.10.2022​ ​

MDM Team participated to the event with a Tutorial on Unmanned Underwater Vehicle ZENO.

MDM Team got Technological Innovation Award​ 2022


MDM Team earned the Technological Innovation Award from Confartigianato.

Zeno AUV scan the hull of the Laura Bassi Research Vessel​ 2022

21.06.2022​ TRIESTE (ITALY) ​

MDM Team performed an autonomous survey to scan the hull of the famous Italian scientific boat. Operations have been conducted with high roll angle at low speed to expose Side Scan Sonar (SSS) transducer and to acquire valuable acoustic images.

Zeno AUV Demonstration in Koper Slovenia​ 2022

21.06.2022 Koper (SLOVENIA) ​

MDM Team demonstrated Zeno AUV and its capabilities in Koper Slovenia.

MDM Team Zeno AUV Used to Fight Illegal Fishing​ 2022


The Department of Information Engineering of University of Pisa and Greenpeace are cooperating to scan underwater protected marine areas to prevent and detect illegal fishing operations.

MDM Team in DUBAI Expo 2020​ 2022

16.03.2022​ DUBAI ​

MDM Team is presenting its product within the Seminary on ITALIAN SME at Dubai Expo 2020.


MDM Team working on Innovative Marine Drifters in MARTA Project​ 2021

25.10.2021​ ​

MDM Team is partner of MARTA project aiming at creating low-cost innovative marine drifters with unmanned surface vehicles and clustering technology.

MDM Team presented the product line at SeaFuture 2021 Event in La Spezia​ 2021

28.09.2021​ La Spezia (ITALY)​​​​

MDM Team presented all the surface and underwater innovative solutions for military and civilian applications at Sea Future 2021.

Engineering Spa and MDM Team shown their common vision during Future Combat Naval System 2035 Event in Rome 2021

01.07.2021 ROME (ITALY)​ ​

Engineering S.p.a. presented a short and long term vision for 2025 and 2035, with MDM Team as partner to support complex maritime warfare operations with unmanned underwater systems.


MDM Team enters Phase 2 of ROMERO ESMERA Project​ 2020


MDM Team will start to develop a novel micro-AUV system to support underwater data acquisition within the ESMERA ROMERO project.

Vessel Hull Inspection​ 2020


MDM Team used Zeno AUV to inspect a vessel hull inside the old Trieste harbor.

MDM Team and University of Florence to monitor Volcanic dangerous areas​ 2020

12.08.2020​ FIRENZE (ITALY)​ ​

MDM Team is developing new instruments to perform real-time monitoring of volcanic areas within the European ESMERA framework. The project, named ROMERO, aims at creating a distributed network of drones and monitoring stations, both at sea and on land, to perform assessment and early notification of environmental changes in dangerous scenarios, such as Volcanic island.

Survey in the Adriatic Sea​ 2020


MDM Team tested Zeno AUV with the Marine Biology department of the University of Bologna in the Adriatic Sea collecting sonar and images at 70m depth.

Survey over a Submerged Wreck in Tuscany​ 2020


MDM Team used Zeno to perform an underwater survey over a submerged wrech in Autonomous Mode.

MDM Team join efforts with Mathematic Department​ 2020

01.06.2020​ FIRENZE (ITALY)​ ​

MDM Team is cooperating tightly with the department of Mathematics to develop a novel guidance system for autonomous underwater vehicles based on the Pythagorean-Hodograph polynomial curves.

MDM Team was founded by ESMERA EU Project​ 2020


MDM Team and the Civil Protection Department started the ROMERO project to realize an experiment centered on Emergency Response Robotics. The ROMERO project will make use of advanced sensors deployed over sea buoy, aerial wether station and a combination of marine and aerial innovative drones to acquire environmental data in hazardous and dangerous areas such as active volcano regions.

100 Italian Robotics and Automation Stories​ 2020


MDM Team has been proudly mentioned in a national report addressing the 100 italian companies active in robotics and automation field.


Zeno AUV Enters into UniPi Fleet​ 2019

05.12.2019 PISTOIA (ITALY)​ ​

MDM Team delivered a new exemplar of Zeno AUV to the Information Engineering Department of University of Pisa.

Sea Drone Tech Summit 2019​

29.10.2019 - 30.10.2019 OSTIA (ITALY)​​

MDM Team presented the Zeno AUV and company capabilities into the Sea Drone Technical Summit Conference edition 2019.

I-RIM Expo​ 2019

19.10.2019 ROME (ITALY)​

MDM Team presented the Zeno AUV in the first I-RIM exposition in Rome Maker Fair 2019.

National Underwater Companies Capabilities Seminary​ 2019

30.09.2019 ROME (ITALY)​ ​

MDM Team participated to the italian seminary on underwater companies capabilities hosted by the Defense General Secretariat in Rome to address challenges and innovation demands from the military perspective.

FOCUS Live event at Porto Antico Genova​ 2019

01.06.2019 GENOVA (ITALY)​

On 1st June, ZENO AUV performed a demonstration survey inside the Genova harbor during an event promoted by FOCUS Live where ISME participated with many of its university partners.


OCEANS event at European Parliament​ 2018

19.03.2019 BRUXELLES (BELGIUM)​​

On 19 March, the Parliament, together with the European Commission, hosted a conference on the future of oceans, with panel discussions covering global ocean governance; sustainable blue economy; and healthy, clean seas and oceans. MDM Team presented the results of the ARCHEOSUb Project showing the ZENO AUV and the experimental field results.

The Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage​ 2018

15-16/11/2018 BRUXELLES (BELGIUM) ​

MDM Team attended to the Fair organized by European Commission to present ZENO AUV as follow up of the results obtained by University of Florence in the FP7 ARROWS project.

Sea Drone Tech Summit 2018​

16-17/11/2018 GALLIPOLI (ITALY)​

ZENO AUV was the special guest in the Sea Drone, the first Italian summit of robot and drones for marine purposes.

ArcheoSub Project Sea Trial 2018​

12-26/09/2018 CAESAREA (ISRAEL)​

The ARCHEOSUb (Autonomous underwater Robotic and sensing systems for Cultural Heritage discovery Conservation and in situ valorization) project aims to develop products and services in support of the discovery of new Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) sites and of the surveying, conservation, protection, and valorization of new and existing ones. Local, week-long experiments with the ZENO AUV were recently conducted in the ancient port of Caesarea and along Haifa’s southern coast, where the IAA is developing an underwater park. The site will eventually display anchors from various historical periods in a canyon at depths of 15 to 22 meters (49 to 72 feet), in their “natural environment.”

SEA Future 2018​

19-23/06/2018 LA SPEZIA​

SEAFUTURE is one of the most prestigious events – exhibition & business convention – in the naval, shipbuilding and maritime sector with the unique feature of dual use, both in the civil and military sectors. MDM Team presented the ARCHEOSUb project and attended to the reserved workshop ‘Unmanned systems in underwater warfare’ with the aim to plan the Italian Navy strategy in unmanned system for the next years.

ROMA Drone Campus 2018​

21-22/02/2018 ROME

ARCHEOSUb Workshop took place at Roma Drone Campus 2018. During the event, MDM Team and the University of Florence received the “Roma Drone Awards 2018” for the development of ZENO AUV.

MDM Team S.R.L.

Via Venezia 4
50121 Firenze (FI) ITALY
Mob. (+39) 392-264-1531
VAT No: IT-06282350484